Ce KLIK Ce KLIK ! :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Broken !

Again ! for the second time i broke my family CAMERA ! Last yer saya dah hilangkan kamera present yang di beri oleh mak , DSLR Nikon D40 tuh ! -.- sobsob ! sedih nyer , kali ni walaupun tuh kamera SAMSUNG biasa je, tapi saya lagi yang rosak kan, aduh ! nak hantar repair mahal kowt . salesman kedai kamera tuh kata better saya beli kamera baru . KAMERA baru ? ouh tidak ! mana nak dapat duit ? aduhai ! macam mana ni ? -.- . Mak nanti kak ngah beli baru yer ! kak ngah mintak maaf -.- .
mesti lepas ni mak dah tak bagi saya guna kamera lagi kan ? sedih nyer -.- . i'm so sorry mak !

I want this one ! i must buy ! -.-

Hopefully i get it for my mom .

Love , Amal .

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Perempuan Tua ?

As salam . hye alls , time for me blogging rite now , hehe . Okayy , now time for share to you all about my weekend + netball , hehe . Netball again ? So , kepada sesiapa yang tak suka sila lah keluar dari laman blog saya ni yer , kepada sesiapa yang berminat silaSILA lah meluangkan masa anda beberapa minit untuk membaca blog ini . hehe . okay straight for word about weekend . This weekend i went to Genting Highlands with my lovely team netball . for our tournament , tapi keadaan yang sangat menyedihkan adalah team kami DISQUALIFIED ! mereka dan mereka yang sangat dengki atas kejayaan kami , tolong lah jangan nak BUSUK HATI sangat . why not korang just mintak keluarkan 2 STUDENT tuh jer ! lagi pun student yang ada dalam team kami tuh still under SIME DARBY HEALTHCARE la ! adoyai ! sengal tul . kalau takut jangan lah sampai nak main kotor cam tuh . haih ! sian korang kan ? huh ! just forget it about that yarh friends . we are the best among the best ! thats why they do like that to us . erm , takpe2 kalau ada tournament lain kita buat yang macam semalam okay . To my COACH , Ms.K , Pn Anisah , Kak Intan , Kak Dijah , Kak Mazni , Kak Alice , Kak Sab , Kak Zah , Kak Suzie , Kak Nurul , Kak Bunga , Kak Diana and Et . You all are the best larh ! 
To ms.k : thank yarh belanja makan semalam, lupa nak cakap thank, hehe, jangan marah yer ^_^ .

Ninoninoninoninonino . 

Watch Out ^_^ .

Arrival at Lobby Apartment .

Me and kak bunga .

Us !

Kak dijah , kak intan and kak bunga .

Makan time ^_^

Kak intan , kak zah , me and kak sab .

Bed time ?

Before go to our breakfast .

Sime Darby Healthcare Team !!

Warming up !

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 . Change !

RunRun ! hehe .

Climax time ! -.- 


Me and kak zah .

Sayang mereka ^_^

Me and cina bukit ! 
haha ( pn yg cakap bukan saya :p )

All of us ! sayang korang larh !

Erm, semalam family ayah buat gathering , taapi aku takde, sebab dah tak larat sangat dengan kaki yang sakit sebab terseliuh . almaklumlah , main bersungguh2 what semalam, hehe, kan korangkan ? hehe, semua hebat2 semalam , memang terbaik lah . eyh2 , termasuk balik lak about netball, hehe . okay sambung balik sal family gathering at SHAH ALAM . best kowt tengok pic yang kak long amik semalam , semua ada . adoy ! rugi2 -.- . takpe2 , next weekend i had another one family gathering at MERSING , hehe, jangan jeles lah kan, huhu . mesti lagi best . ahakz ! 

Overall this weekend is very ENJOY and FUN ! ouh yeah ! hehe . No word anymore . just wait for my new blog about FAMILY GATHERING at MERSING yarh ~ Okay goodbye ^_^

Zainal & co .

Love , Amal .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

SuperDuper .

HyeHye . At last ,our 1st tournament at Uniten, Bangi finished ! I got a lot of experience play with the superb player ! hayaaaa ! banyak tough and susah nak jaga ma , hehe . keseluruhan sangat puas hati , sebab saya dah buat apa yang mampu , tapi belum boleh nak puas kan hati COACH lagi lah . -.- tuh lah paling sedih nyer , sorry ye coach ! INSYAALAH Tournament at Genting i do the best for you ! ^_^ . Hope this year we can be a WINNER :) . To Ms K , Pn Anisah , Kak Dijah , Kak Sab , Kak Alice , Kak Bunga , Kak Zah , Kak Mazni , Kak Suzie , Kak Intan and Kak Diana . You are the best la weyh ! :) SIME ......... HEALTHCARE !  

Ninoninoninoninoninoninonino ^_^

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Working + Netball + Holiday = FunTired .

Hyehye . rasa macam dah lama je tak update blog ni kan ? okay sekarang tengah ada masa , so saya akan gunakan masa menghadap laptop dengan telitinya, HAHA . Okay , hari ni nak cerita pasal WORKING first . My practical is quite heavy for second sem ni . but i must work more harder . agak penat and ngeri jugak la sem 2 ni, hehe . Nak tak nak kena gagahkan diri la kan, hehe . Banyak benda dah belaja . so , saya sangat puas hati , tapi takde lah 100% puas hatinya . Alhamdulillah semua berjalan dengan lancar . Okay , now  for NETBALL . Every Monday ,Tuesday and Thusday i have training . after working , time for focus on TRAINING . I go for training around 1700pm . A quite tired but still enjoy on my training with my SENIOR , CI and COACH :) . 

Training Time .

19&20 Feb 2011 - Tournament at Uniten, Bangi .
21 Feb 2011 - Training as usual .
22 Feb 2011 - Training as usual .
24 Feb 2011 - Training as usual .
25&26 Feb 2011 - Tournament at Genting Highland .

HOLIDAY . erm, after finish my tournament . i'm going for my holiday with my big family at MERSING, JOHOR . But at 25 Feb is my father birthday . i not around him and my family , coz on that time i at Genting . Huh ! so sad :( . But on the same time , my father big family want do gathering and celebrate his birthday and all my auntie and uncle birthday . sobsob -.- . i'm not around there ! *makcu ! boleh postpone tak ?.
SadisSadis ! -.-

To ayah : lepas kak ngah balik genting kak ngah belanja ayah yer :)

Wait for my new story okay . ByeBye ^_^

Sunday, February 6, 2011

3.43 AM , Monday , 7/2/2011 .

Jam dah menunjukkan pukul 3.43 pagi . tapi mata saya still tak ngantuk lagi , dari tadi duk melayan YOUTUBE . tak ngantokNGANTOK gak, saya pun tak tau nak buat apa dah , habis semua cerita SPONTAN and JOZAN + OH YEAH ! sudah saya tengok tapi . .  tiada hasil langsung . tetiba sekarang mata macam boleh lelap dah . so , saya mahu beradu dulu yarh :)

Good night and have a sweet dream all . daa ~

Jogging Time .


- The End -

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Around The Corner .

Okay . Sekarang saya mahu beri peringatan kepada diri sendiri , bahawa senya . FINAL EXAM semakin hampir dengan diri anda . What should you do ? Haih MINAH ! study la der ! apa dah kamu niyh ! This SEM you must get the TARGET okay ! Kamu nak bekerja keluar NEGARA kan ? so apa tunggu lagi ? STUDYstudySTUDY SMART . Prove to everyone that you can do better then yesterday !

ChaiyokChaiyok NAMS !

McD + Movie + KFC .

HyeHye . Semalam saya meluangkan masa dengan kakak dan adikADIK saya tanpa EMAK dan AYAH *emak sebab keje , ayah sebab malas nak ikut . kami pun berdikari lah sikit, haha . paling lucu , saya drive kereta ayah yang bapak besar SERENA , yang lagi tak leyh blar ayah tak tau pun, kita orang kuar senyapSENYAP, hehe, tapi tuh petang waktu nak lepak McD , lepak sambil membuat assignment . malam kami keluar lagi , menuju ke E@curve untuk menonton wayang . cerita KHURAFAT * terlambat pulak,tapi takpe, yang penting dapat tengok ! hehe . pastu melayan adik lelaki kuh , dia mau makan AYAM, so saya bawak lah p makan kat KFC,kota damansar tu . keje adikADIK saya menghabiskan duit KAKAK nyer niyh ha ! haha . The best moment in my life is spend time with my FAMILY . 

Father : Mohd Sam
Mother : Maznah
1st Sister : Nur Atiqah
3rd Sister : Nur Athilah
Brother : Ahmad Lutfi


Habis Sudaa ~ bye :)